
This page is for my videos and animations.

Comet C/2007 N3 Lulin.  An animation of comet movement over 2 hours period (30x4min) made on 3/4/2009. Celestron CGE1400 with f1.9 Hyperstar and Canon 40D camera (modified). Still picture of the comet is here.

Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd. Movie created from 148x60sec frames (total 2 hours 28 minutes) shot on 3/14/2012 using Celestron CGE1400 with f1.9 Hyperstar and Canon T2i (self-modified for astronomy, all internal filters removed). You can see several satellites fly through the field of view and even one plane! Still picture of the comet is here. Here is the full size MOV file of this video (8MB). The procedure I used to produce this video is described here.

Southern sky from my observatory. Movie created from 360x15sec frames (with 10sec delay after each shot) using Canon T2i (self-modified) with Altura Photo 8mm f/3 lens (ISO 6400). August 1 2019.

Northern sky from my observatory. Movie created from 458x15sec frames (with 10sec delay after each shot) using Canon T2i (self-modified) with Altura Photo 8mm f/3 lens (ISO 6400). August 4 2019.