Coronado Personal Solar Telescope
I enjoy Solar observing very much - I use Orion SkyQuest with full
aperture filter and CGE1400 with off-axis solar filter for white light
observing. Coronado PST is very special here since it allows viewing
chromosphere in H-alpha band. All the prominences, plages, filaments and
texture of Solar surface shows up nicely. This is a dedicated Solar
telescope (40mm achromatic refractor) with built-in H-alpha filter with
less than 10Å width. It opened for me completely new world - and i love
it. If only the bigger Solar filters were not that much more expensive
Most often I use PST as a standalone telescope on a Celestron Alt-Az
tripod, but sometimes I piggyback it on CGE1400. CGE1400 can be also
used as a Solar telescope with Kendrick off-axis Solar Filter (Baader
AstroSolar film). Recently I have used it for Solar imaging during
Mercury transit in 2016 with StarlightXpress Lodestar piggybacked on my
Orion 10" Newtonian.