Live Stacking with Starlight Live
This time I used my Orion 10" Newtonian again, my C14 mount broke down.
It was fun session proving that f/4.5 is not bad, if one allows more
exposure time. I have a feeling I am getting better in color adjustment as
well. I have browsed through some high-profile Summer objects, it is very
captivating to observe the same objects I have seen so many times visually
with EAA. I will be spending more time with EAA! I will also try C14 at
f/8.8 on planetary nebulae and other small but relatively bright objects. In
most objects below I used sum-mean protocol, i.e. accumulating some
exposures as sum first, then adding more as average. I have used non-linear
scaling as well, it brings higher dynamic range, which is important for
globular clusters and bright nebulae.
| [2018-7-20 00:15:43]
M4. Low to the west by the time I started. |
| [2018-7-20 00:27:26]
M17 the Swan. Couldn't resist to check it again. |
| [2018-7-20 00:32:27]
M16 Eagle Nebula. I always struggle to see the Eagle visually, but with
EAA it is easy. I need to accumulate a bit longer exposure, |
| [2018-7-20 00:36:46]
M20 the Trifid Nebula. Again, more exposure needed. The picture looked
less grainy in the dark on my laptop screen. Still I am quite pleased. With
longer exposure blue part will be much better. |
| [2018-7-20 00:47:41]
M8 Lagoon Nebula. |
| [2018-7-20 00:58:16]
M22. Low in Southe-West at this time. Came quit yellow, not sure it is a
color balance problem or some low haze. |
| [2018-7-20 01:22:32]
M13. This is how I like my globulars. Much better than M22. |
| [2018-7-20 01:30:42]
M57 Ring Nebula. IC1296 galaxy faintly shows below the Ring. |
| [2018-7-20 01:44:52]
M27 Dumbbell Nebula. |
| [2018-7-20 01:52:25]
M102 Spindle Galaxy. This is relatively bright object, but central dust
lane is clearly visible, hard to see visually. |
| [2018-7-20 01:57:37]
NGC5907. Another edge-on galaxy. |
| [2018-7-20 02:07:18]
NGC6946 Fireworks Galaxy. This one is faint, and needs a lot more
exposure. |
| [2018-7-20 02:12:52]
NGC6960 Veil Nebula close to 52 Cygni. More exposure needed, and a
bit of refocusing. It is easy to forget all these slews may influence focus
a bit - need to remember next time. |