Live Stacking with Starlight Live
This time I tried to do EAA with Orion 10" Newtonian in order to compare
performance of f4.5 and f1.9 optics. The answer is that f4.5 is fine for
bright objects, but results with faint ones (like Cocoon Nebula) is not that
good. The night was a bit hazy which likely compounded the issue. Hyperstar
is probably the best choice.
 | [2017-10-20 23:41:03] M2 with Orion 10" Newtonian and Ultrastar Color.
Finally non-linear scaling: and the core is much better. |
 | [2017-10-20 23:49:37] M15 with Orion 10" Newtonian and Ultrastar Color. |
 | [2017-10-21 00:43:03] NGC253 with Orion 10" Newtonian and Ultrastar Color.
This image was done with linear scaling, non-linear ended up much fainter. |
 | [2017-10-21 01:32:48] Cocoon Nebula with Orion 10" Newtonian and Ultrastar Color.
Much fainter than the C14 Hyperstar version. |
 | [2017-10-21 02:29:01] NGC457 with Orion 10" Newtonian and Ultrastar Color.
FOrgot to switch to non-linear scaling and the stars are overexposed. Oh,
well, it was half past 2am :-). |
 | [2017-10-21 02:54:34] M42 with Orion 10" Newtonian and Ultrastar Color.
The image is a bit out off focus, probably due to cooling of OTA. |